Nové fosilní stopy z vnějších flyšových Karpat (Československo) (1990/1–2)Plička, M., Uhrová, J., 1990: New Trace Fossils from the Outer Carpathian Flysch (Czechoslovakia) . – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Nat., 75, 1–2, 53–59
New Trace Fossils from the Outer Carpathian Flysch (Czechoslovakia)
This article reviews two finds of new fossil traces. The new fossil trace Godulaiehnium jurkovae n. ichnosp. was found in the drill core of borehole NP 540 (UNIGEO Ostrava, leg. Dr. A. Jurková), situated in the…
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Vztah muskovitických pegmatitů ke geofyzikálním polím v oblasti Hrubého Jeseníku (1992/1–2)Novák, M., Rejl, L., 1993: Vztah muskovitických pegmatitů ke geofyzikálním polím v oblasti Hrubého Jeseníku. - Acta Mus. Moraviae. Sci. Nat., 77, 1-2 (1992), 49-61 (with English summary)
Relations of the muscovite pegmatites to the geophysical fields in the area of the Hrubý Jeseník Mts., Czechoslovakia
Relations between occurrences of the muscovite pegmatites (beryl-columbite subtype) and geophysical fields in the area of the Hrubý Jeseník Mts. have been discussed. The…
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Paragenetická studie Ag-mineralizace ložiska Horní Město u Rýmařova (1992/1–2)Fojt, B., Hladíková J., Losos, Z., Šrein, V., 1993: Paragenetická studie Ag-mineralizace ložiska Horní Město u Rýmařova. - Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Nat., 77, 1-2 (1992), 3-27 (with English summary)
A paragenetic study of Ag-mineralization from Horní Město ore deposit (Northern Moravia)
Native silver, proustite, pyrargyrite, stephanite and kongsbergite accompanied by Ag-tennantite, jordanite, galena and light sphalerite occurs in veinlets penetrating the stratiform Fe-Zn-Pb ore body.…
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Paulkerrit a earlshannonit z Dolních Borů (1988/1–2)Staněk, J., 1988: Paulkerrite and earlshannonite from pegmatite near Dolní Bory (western Moravia, Czechoslovakia). - Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Nat., 73, 1-2, 29-34 (with English summary)
Paulkerrite and earlshannonite from pegmatite near Dolní Bory (western Moravia, Czechoslovakia)
Assoctated with secondary Fe-Mn phosphates from pegmatite near Dolní Bory, two additional ones - paulkerrite and earlshannonite - were found. In the case of paulkerrite it is the second occurrence in…
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Kalcit-andraditový mikroklinit z Markvartic u Třebíče na západní Moravě (1990/1–2) Houzar, S., Šrein, V., 1990: Calcite-andradite microclinite from Markvartice near Třebíč, western Moravia. - Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Nat., 75, 1-2, 29-40 (with Czech summary)
Calcite-andradite microclinite from Markvartice near Třebíč, western Moravia
In the paper submitted, the basic geological, petrological and mineralogical data about calcite-andradite microclinites at Markvartice are presented. These rocks are a part of the Varied Group of the Moravian…
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Metamorfóza dolomitických hornin při severovýchodním okraji moldanubika (1989/1–2)Novák, M., 1989: Metamorfóza dolomitických hornin při severovýchodním okraji moldanubika. - Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Nat., 74, 1-2, 7-51 (with English summary)
Metamorphism of dolomitic rocks at the north-eastern margin of the Moldanubicum, western Moravia, Czechoslovakia
Mineral relations in dolomitic rocks of the Strážek Moldanubicum and Svratka crystalline complex confirm their polymetamorphic origin. The oldest metamorphism M 1, characterized…
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Dolomitické mramory na styku moldanubika a moravika v oblasti mezi Jasenicí a Oslavany (1991/1–2)Houzar, S., Novák, M., 1991: Dolomite marbles at contact of the Moldanubicum and Moravicum in the area between Jasenice and Oslavany. - Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Nat., 76, 1-2, 83-94 (with Czech summary)
Dolomite marbles at contact of the Moldanubicum and Moravicum in the area between Jasenice and Oslavany
Dolomite marbles at the contact of the Moldanubicum and Moravicum in the area between Jasenice and Oslavany were studied. The observed mineral assemblages, metamorphic zonality, chemical…
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Regionální typizace skarnů Fe Českomoravské vrchoviny (1991/1–2)Němec, D., 1991: Regional typization of the iron skarns of the Bohemian-Moravian Heights (Českomoravská vrchovina). - Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Nat., 76, 1-2, 51-82 (with Czech summary)
Regional typization of the iron skarns of the Bohemian-Moravian Heights (Českomoravská vrchovina)
The skarns of the Bohemian-Moravian Heights can be classified as iron skarns. They are pre-Variscan in age and have been regionally metamorphosed in a migmatization zone under abyssal conditions.…
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Parageneze minerálů pegmatitových žil z Hatí u Dolních Borů na západní Moravě (1991/1–2)Staněk, J., 1991: Parageneze minerálů pegmatitových žil z Hatí u Dolních Borů na západní Moravě. - Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Nat., 76, 1-2, 19-49 (with English summary)
The mineral parageneses of the Dolní Bory-Hatě pegmatite dykes, western Moravia, Czechoslovakia
The Dolní Bory-Hatě pegmatite dykes are situated in the Moldanubian complex of the Bohemian Massif, 55 km northwest of Brno, 135 km southeast of Prague. They were being for feldspar minerals.…
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