New data from paleontological research in the Barová Cave (Moravian Karst) (2021/2)Roblíčková, M., Plichta, A., Káňa, V., 2021: Nová data z paleontologického výzkumu v jeskyni Barové (Moravský kras). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 106, 2, 181–208 (with English summary)
New data from paleontological research in the Barová Cave (Moravian Karst)
The Barová Cave is located in the central part of the Moravian Karst on the right slope of the Josefovské Valley between the villages of Adamov, Olomučany, Habrůvka and Babice nad Svitavou. The cave is the outflow…
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Morphometrical analysis of the cave bear dental material from the Barová Cave in the Moravian Karst (2020/1)Plichta, A., Roblíčková, M., Káňa, V., 2020: Morfometrická analýza dentálního materiálu medvěda jeskynního z Barové jeskyně v Moravském krasu. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 105, 1, 153–178 (with English summary)
Morphometrical analysis of the cave bear dental material from the Barová Cave in the Moravian Karst
The Barová Cave is located in the central part of the Moravian Karst and is a outflow part of the Rudické propadání and Býčí skála cave system. The Barová Cave was a typical bear…
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Barová Cave: the Palaeontological Research goes on – Under the Ladder Test Pit (2013/2)Roblíčková, M., Káňa, V., 2013: Barová jeskyně: pokračování paleontologického výzkumu – sonda Pod žebříkem. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 98, 2, 155–177 (with English summary)
Barová Cave: the Palaeontological Research goes on – Under the Ladder Test Pit
The excavations in Barová Cave, started after a large slide of sediments upon the Shaft II in 2011, have still continued. As the following landslides and collapsing of underlying beds still threat the locality,…
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New Palaeontological Research in Barová (Sobolova) Cave, Moravian Karst: Preliminary Report (2013/1)Roblíčková, M., Káňa, V., 2013: Předběžná zpráva o novém paleontologickém výzkumu v jeskyni Barové (Sobolově), Moravský kras. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 98, 1, 111–127 (with English summary)
New Palaeontological Research in Barová (Sobolova) Cave, Moravian Karst: Preliminary Report
Barová cave is located in the central part of the Moravian Karst Protected Area, Moravia, Czech Republic, in the right slope of Josefovské/Křtinské valley. The cave had been discovered in 1947…
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Barová Cave in comparison with other bear caves in the Moravian Karst (2018/2)Roblíčková, M., Plichta, A., Káňa, V., 2018: Jeskyně Barová ve srovnání s dalšími „medvědími“ jeskyněmi Moravského krasu. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 103, 2, 109–143 (with English summary)
Barová Cave in comparison with other bear caves in the Moravian Karst
The authors compare the osteological remains of fauna from the Barová Cave with osteological remains from the Výpustek Cave, the Sloupsko-šošůvské Caves and the Pod hradem Cave in this article. All the mentioned…
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Last Glacial Mammalian Assemblage from Barová Cave – New Findings (2017/1–2)Roblíčková, M., Káňa, V., Nývltová Fišáková, M., 2017: Savčí společenstvo posledního glaciálu z jesky ně Barové – nové poznatky. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 102, 1–2, 119–142 (with English summary).
Last Glacial Mammalian Assemblage from Barová Cave – New Findings
Barová Cave…
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