Publication ethics and malpractice statement

The Journal’s publication ethics and publication malpractice statement is based, in large part, on the guidelines and standards developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Publication, authorship, and copyright

The Journal is published in two isues per year. No fees for publication, manuscript handling, type setting of color print are charged; publishing in the Journal is completely free of charge.

Authors need to ensure that the submitted article is the work of the submitting author(s) and is not plagiarised, wholly or in part. They must also make sure that the submitted article is original, is not wholly or in part a re-publication of the author’s earlier work, and contains no fraudulent data. It is author’s responsibility to ensure that they received permission to use and publish all copyrighted material within the article and that material for which the author does not personally hold the copyright is not reproduced without permission.

It is also their responsibility to check that they have received permission to use and publish all copyrighted material within the article and that material for which the author does not personally hold the copyright is not reproduced without permission.

Finally, authors should ensure that the manuscript submitted is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere.

The exclusive copyright for every language and country is transferred to the publisher with the acceptance and publication of a manuscript. The copyright covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article including reprints, microfilm, electronic media/Internet or any other reproduction and translations. For re-print permission inquiries, please contact the Managing Editor.
The journal content is available equally in printed version and in on-line version, under open access policy. Authors are encouraged to share publically the on-line version of articles.

Authors responsibilities

Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae Geologicae is a peer-reviewed journal, and Authors are obliged to participate in the peer review process. Authors need to ensure that all the data in the submitted article are correct and authentic, and were not published previously in other journal. They must make sure that all authors have significantly contributed to the research submitted in the article, and that all and only the contributors to the article are listed as authors. Authors should also ensure that all authors provide retractions or corrections of mistakes. Authors must properly cite all information adopted from other works, provide a list of references, and acknowledge any relevant financial support of their research.

Peer review and reviewers’ responsibilities

All scientific communications (articles, reviews) except editorial and biographic materials and book reviews are subject to peer review. Both the Reviewer and the Author may remain anonymous throughout the peer-review process. Reviewers are selected according to their expertise in their particular fields.

Reviewers have a responsibility to be objective in their judgments; to have no conflict of interest with respect to the research, with respect to the authors and/or with respect to the research funders; to point out relevant published work which is not yet cited by the author(s); and to treat the reviewed articles confidentially.

Editorial responsibilities

Editors hold full authority to reject/accept an article; to accept a paper only when reasonably certain that it has satisfied the highest academic standards; to promote publication of corrections or retractions when errors are found; to preserve anonymity of reviewers; and to have no conflict of interest with respect to articles they reject/accept. If an Editor feels that there is likely to be a perception of a conflict of interest in relation to their handling of a submission, they will declare it to the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board will select reviewers and make all decisions on the paper.

Publishing ethics issues

Members of the Editorial Board ensure the monitoring and safeguarding of the Journal’s publication ethics. This comprises the strict policy on plagiarism and fraudulent data and research misconducts, the strong commitment to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed, and the strict preclusion of business needs from compromising intellectual and ethical standards.

Whenever it is recognised that a published paper contains a significant inaccuracy, misleading statement or distorted report, it will be corrected promptly. If, after an appropriate investigation, an item proves to be fraudulent, it will be retracted. The retraction will be clearly identifiable to readers and indexing systems.

The Journal encourages authors to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed, as well as reporting of potential research misconduct; for this purpose, authors should contact the Managing Editor or the Journal’s Editors.

If publisher or editors are made aware of any allegation of research misconduct, the allegations will be inquired by the Editorial Board with regard to the Journal’s Publication ethics rules.

In cases of publishing ethics malpractice that are not listed above, the editors follow recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE):