Quaternary Geological Composition of Brno Historic Centre: Application of Results from the Collector Canalization
Article PDFQuaternary Geological Composition of Brno Historic Centre: Application of Results from the Collector Canalization
The collector channels building exposed unique sections documenting the geology of the historic Brno centre. The sequence of loess and loess-like sediments interrupted by doubled paleosols and colluvial sediments, and influenced by post-depositional processes, lies on the undulating Neogene sediments (Tegel). Sedimentation was completed by Holocene soil, which can be in some cases interpreted as fillings of little dells. Very common is the interference with sediments of the Ponávka River lying on the Neogene sediments. Fluvial pebles of this river, together with other typical fluvial sediments such as flood-plain sediments, blocks of Neogene sediments fallen into the river, or loess and soils redeposited by water, were encountered in the collectors. All sections are strongly affected by anthropogeneous activity.
Lenka Lisá, Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences CR, Rozvojová 269, 165 02, Prague, Czech Republic; lisa@gli.cas.cz
Dana Zapletalová, Marek Pecka, Antonín Zůbek, Archaia o.p.s., suboffice Brno, Česká 156/6, 602 00, Brno, Czech Republic; archaia@archaiabrno.cz
Przemyslaw Mroczek, Earth Sciences Institute, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, ul. Krasnicka 2cd, 20-718 Lublin, Poland, pmroczek@biotop.umcs.lublin.pl