Quaternary Geological Composition of Brno Historic Centre: Application of Results from the Collector Canalization (2006/1–2)Lisá, L., Zapletalová, D., Pecka, M., Zůbek, A.,Mroczek, P., 2006: Kvartérní geologická stavba historického jádra města Brna: aplikace poznatků ze stavby kolektorů. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 91, 1–2, 219–226 (with English summary)
Quaternary Geological Composition of Brno Historic Centre: Application of Results from the Collector Canalization
The collector channels building exposed unique sections documenting the geology of the historic Brno centre. The sequence of loess and loess-like sediments interrupted by doubled…
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