Vivianite from the Quaternary sediments in Dolní Lutyně (Silesia, Czech Republic) (2021/1)Jirasek, J., Matysek, D., Minařikova, A., 2021: Vivianit z kvartérních sedimentů v Dolní Lutyni (Slezsko, Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 106, 1, 51–56 (with English summary)
Vivianite from the Quaternary sediments in Dolní Lutyně (Silesia, Czech Republic)
Vivianite was found in an active sand and gravel pit Dolní Lutyně – Velké Lány, Silesia, Czech Republic. It extracts mineral raw material from Quaternary fluvial? channels filled by glacifluvial gravel…
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Chemical composition of garnets from loess deposits in the Dyje-Svratka Ravine (2002/1–2)Kvítková, L., Buriánek, D., 2002: Chemické složení granátů spraší v Dyjskosvrateckém úvalu. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 87, 1–2, 103–111 (with English summary)
Chemical composition of garnets from loess deposits in the Dyje-Svratka Ravine
There were three loess deposits localities studied at the western margin of the Dyje-Svratka Ravine and in the Mikulov Upland Areas. The Modřice, Horní Dunajovice and Dolní Věstonice localities are concerned…
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Quaternary Geological Composition of Brno Historic Centre: Application of Results from the Collector Canalization (2006/1–2)Lisá, L., Zapletalová, D., Pecka, M., Zůbek, A.,Mroczek, P., 2006: Kvartérní geologická stavba historického jádra města Brna: aplikace poznatků ze stavby kolektorů. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 91, 1–2, 219–226 (with English summary)
Quaternary Geological Composition of Brno Historic Centre: Application of Results from the Collector Canalization
The collector channels building exposed unique sections documenting the geology of the historic Brno centre. The sequence of loess and loess-like sediments interrupted by doubled…
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