The nodules of calc-silicate rocks from Polička crystalline unit and their lithologic significance (2005/1–2)Buriánek, D., 2005: Nodule vápenatosilikátovych hornin v poličském krystaliniku a jejich litologicky význam. - Acta Musei Moraviae, Sci. Geol., 90, 1-2, 121-146 (with English summary)
The nodules of calc-silicate rocks from Polička crystalline unit and their lithologic significance
The nodules of calc-silicate rocks from several localities in the Polička crystalline complex were studied using various mineralogical and petrological methods. Nodules are enclosed in the…
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Calc-silicate rocks from Polička crystalline Complex (2006/1–2)Buriánek, D., 2006: Vápenatosilikátové horniny v poličském krystaliniku – Acta Musei Moraviae, Sci. geol., 91, 1-2, 191–206 (with English summary)
Calc-silicate rocks from Polička crystalline Complex
Two distinct types of calc-silicate rock occur in the Polička Crystalline Complex. The biotite and two-mica gneisses with nodules calc-silicate rocks are typical members of a monotonous zone Polička Crystalline Complex. Elongated bodies…
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Mineralogy, petrography and geology of the Nedvědice marbles, Svratka Crystalline Complex; a review (2006/1–2)Houzar, S., Novák, M., Doležalová, H., Hrazdil, V., Pfeiferová, A., 2006: Přehled mineralogie, petrografie a geologie nedvědických mramorů, svratecké krystalinikum. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 91, 1–2, 3–77 (with English summary)
Mineralogy, petrography and geology of the Nedvědice marbles, Svratka Crystalline Complex; a review
Nedvědice marbles occur in a narrow belt situated along the eastern and northeastern margin of the Svratka Crystalline Complex (Moldanubian Zone). Elongated bodies of calcite marbles up to…
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Metamorphic rocks western part Brno batholith (2010/2)Buriánek, D., 2010: Metamorfované horniny západní části brněnského batolitu. – Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. geol., 2, 95, 151–170 (in English summary)
Metamorphic rocks western part Brno batholith
Biotite and amphibole biotite granitoids of the northern part of Thaya terrane (western part of the Brno batholith) contains large enclaves of polyphase-metamorphosed sedimentary and igneous rocks. The enclaves, up to several km long, consist…
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Metamorphic evolution of Upper Moravian Nappe in the South part of the Svratka Dome (2011/1)Buriánek, D., 2011: Metamorfní vývoj svrchního příkrovu moravika v jižním křídle svratecké klenby. – Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. geol., 96, 1, 33–46 (with English summary)
Metamorphic evolution of Upper Moravian Nappe in the South part of the Svratka Dome
The southern part of the Svratka Dome is built two crystalline napes overlying Cadomian basement (Brunovistulicum) and its Devonian cover. The Upper Moravian Nappe consists of orthogneisses, muscovite to muscovite-biotite…
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