Lapiés (karren) in limestones of the Hills Pavlovské vrchy (Southern Moravia, Czech Republic)

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Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Geol. 98 (2013), issue 1, pages 91-109

Lapiés (karren) in limestones of the Hills Pavlovské vrchy (Southern Moravia, Czech Republic)

Complex information about small surface forms in limestone areas of the Czech Republic is missing up-to now. The author presents geomorphological characteristic of lapiés (karren) in limestones of the Hills Pavlovské vrchy in Southern Moravia supplemented by some information from the Hills Falkensteiner Höhenzügen in Austria. Lapiés developed on rocky outcrops of Ernstbrunn Limestones (age Upper Jurassic up to Lower Cretaceous). The author studied especially lapiés crests that form top parts of some rock blocks and rock towers. Grikes (kluftkarren, joint karren), pit karren, slaggy karren, tubular karren, on some places rock-rills (rillenkarren), pointed karren, rund karren, kamenitzas (solution pans), stone pavements (plane karren), etc. developed on subhorizontal or slightly inclined surfaces. Wall lapiés (wand karren), cellular karren (honeycombs) developer on vertical and steeper inclined stone surfaces. Solution rock holes (cavernous karren) are typical feature in the studied area (some of them can be termed as tafoni or basis-tafoni). The author found the largest concentration of various types of lapiés on hill Děvín (554 m a.s.l.) in the northern part of the Hills Pavlovské vrchy where he studied karst forms in detail in three test areas (segments). Lapiés in the Hills Pavlovské vrchy developed due to chemical (corrosion) and mechanical processes strongly controlled by the lithology and texture of the Ernstbrunn Limestones. The management and nature protection problems in the Protected Landscape Area (PLA) Pálava and biospherical reservation are discussed in the closing part of the paper.


Jan Vítek, University of Hradec Králové, Faculty of Science, Rokitanského 62, 500 03 Hradec Králové; e-mail:

Vítek, J., 2013: Škrapy ve vápencích Pavlovských vrchů. – Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. geol., 98, 1, 91–109 (with English summary)
ISSN: 1211–8796