Lapiés (karren) in limestones of the Hills Pavlovské vrchy (Southern Moravia, Czech Republic) (2013/1)Vítek, J., 2013: Škrapy ve vápencích Pavlovských vrchů. – Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. geol., 98, 1, 91–109 (with English summary)
Lapiés (karren) in limestones of the Hills Pavlovské vrchy (Southern Moravia, Czech Republic)
Complex information about small surface forms in limestone areas of the Czech Republic is missing up-to now. The author presents geomorphological characteristic of lapiés (karren) in limestones…
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Oyster reef on building roads in Přímětice near Znojmo (Southern Moravia) (2015/2)Šmerda, J., 2015: Ústřicový útes na stavbě silnice v Příměticích u Znojma (jižní Morava). – Acta Musei Moraviae, Sci. geol., 100, 2, 81–86 (with English summary)
Oyster reef on building roads in Přímětice near Znojmo (Southern Moravia)
The paper describes the discovery of oyster reef which was uncovered during the construction of the ring road in Znojmo-Přímětice. A solid layer composed of oyster shells were found after the removal of quaternary…
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