Contribution to the study of Neogene deposits in the surroundings of Kralice nad Oslavou and Březník
Article PDFContribution to the study of Neogene deposits in the surroundings of Kralice nad Oslavou and Březník
The relics of Neogene deposits were studied in the surroundings of villages Lhotice, Kralice nad Oslavou and Březník in SW Moravia. These terrestrial (alluvial, fluvial, lacustrine) deposits are younger than Lower Badenian in age. They were deposited in several small basins. The differences in provenance, lithofacies distribution and depositional conditions were recognised between these localities. The role of various source rocks varies within the sediment profile in Kralice nad Oslavou area and the cyclic deposition was driven mainly by tectonic processes. Postdepositional role of tectonic was also recognised. More simple processes connected with the filling of the relief depression are supposed in the area of Březník.
Slavomír Nehyba, Dept. of Geology and Paleontology, Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, 611 37 Brno, e-mail: