Contribution to the study of Neogene deposits in the surroundings of Kralice nad Oslavou and Březník (2003/1–2)Nehyba, S., 2003: Příspěvek k poznání neogenních sedimentů v okolí Kralic nad Oslavou a Březníka. - Acta Musei Moraviae, Sci. Geol., 88, 1-2, 177-190 (with English summary)
Contribution to the study of Neogene deposits in the surroundings of Kralice nad Oslavou and Březník
The relics of Neogene deposits were studied in the surroundings of villages Lhotice, Kralice nad Oslavou and Březník in SW Moravia. These terrestrial (alluvial, fluvial, lacustrine) deposits…
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