Isolated fish scales (Teleostei) from the Paleogene and Neogene sediments of the Central Paratethys (Czech Republic, Slovak Republic) (2023/2)Gregorová, R., 2023: Isolated fish scales (Teleostei) from the Paleogene and Neogene sediments of the Central Paratethys (Czech Republic, Slovak Republic). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 108, 2, 283–308 (with Czech summary).
Isolated fish scales (Teleostei) from the Paleogene and Neogene sediments of the Central Paratethys (Czech Republic, Slovak Republic)
Isolated scales and parts of the squamation were analyzed from the Paleogene and Neogene sediments of the Central Paratethys (Oligocene to Miocene, Czech Republic,…
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Neogene mammals of the Mikulov area (2019/2)Březina, J., 2019: Neogenní savci z okolí Mikulova. – Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Geol., 104, 2, 217–239 (with English summary)
Neogene mammals of the Mikulov area
Neogene terrestrial vertebrates occur only rarely in the Moravian part of Central Paratethys, and usually derive from poorly known localities or localities that are currently lost. As such, their study can be very difficult. Interestingly, new finds are…
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Contribution to the study of Neogene deposits in the surroundings of Kralice nad Oslavou and Březník (2003/1–2)Nehyba, S., 2003: Příspěvek k poznání neogenních sedimentů v okolí Kralic nad Oslavou a Březníka. - Acta Musei Moraviae, Sci. Geol., 88, 1-2, 177-190 (with English summary)
Contribution to the study of Neogene deposits in the surroundings of Kralice nad Oslavou and Březník
The relics of Neogene deposits were studied in the surroundings of villages Lhotice, Kralice nad Oslavou and Březník in SW Moravia. These terrestrial (alluvial, fluvial, lacustrine) deposits…
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Chemistry of garnet and tourmaline – contribution to provenance studies oj fine grained Neogene deposits of the Carpathian Foredeep (2004/1–2)Nehyba, S., Buriánek, D., 2004: Chemismus detritických granátů a turmalínů – příspěvek k určení provenience jemnozrnných neogenních sedimentů karpatské předhlubně. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 89, 1–2, 149–159 (with English summary)
Chemistry of garnet and tourmaline - contribution to provenance studies oj fine grained Neogene deposits of the Carpathian Foredeep
The study of chemistry of heavy minerals can be an effective tool for provenance analyses of clastic deposits. The chemistry of garnet and tourmaline from Neogene…
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Oyster reef on building roads in Přímětice near Znojmo (Southern Moravia) (2015/2)Šmerda, J., 2015: Ústřicový útes na stavbě silnice v Příměticích u Znojma (jižní Morava). – Acta Musei Moraviae, Sci. geol., 100, 2, 81–86 (with English summary)
Oyster reef on building roads in Přímětice near Znojmo (Southern Moravia)
The paper describes the discovery of oyster reef which was uncovered during the construction of the ring road in Znojmo-Přímětice. A solid layer composed of oyster shells were found after the removal of quaternary…
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