Gold from the quartz veins at the “Zelená jáma” locality, Zlaté Hory Ore District, Jeseníky Mts., Czech Republic (2014/2)Nepejchal, M., Dolníček, Z., Fojt, B., Mičudová, K., 2014: Zlato křemenných žil „Zelené jámy“ – Zlaté Hory v Jeseníkách. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 99, 2, 37–48 (with English summary)
Gold from the quartz veins at the “Zelená jáma” locality, Zlaté Hory Ore District, Jeseníky Mts., Czech Republic
The gold-bearing quartz veins are slightly discordant with respect to the foliation of host “quartzite schists” at the studied site “Zelená jáma“ (Zlaté Hory…
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