New find of huntite at Hrubšice, Western Moravia (Czech Republic) and Question of its Genesis (2007/1–2)Jirásek, J., 2007: Nový nález huntitu u Hrubšic na západní Moravě a otázka jeho vzniku. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. geol., 92, 1-2, 103–109 (with English summary)
New find of huntite at Hrubšice, Western Moravia (Czech Republic) and Question of its Genesis
In the Biskoupky serpentinite body (Western Moravia, Czech Republic) an older find of huntite from 1981 was confirmed. The mineral occurs in an active quarry „U Pustého mlýna“ near Hrubšice…
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First find of the anatase in the carbonate concretion mineralization of the czech part of the Upper Silesian basin (Silesia, Czech Republic) (2018/2)Osovský, M., Jirásek, J., Matýsek, D., 2018: První nález anatasu v mineralizaci karbonátových konkrecí v české části hornoslezské pánve (Slezsko, Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 103, 2, 53–61 (with English summary)
First find of the anatase in the carbonate concretion mineralization of the czech part of the Upper Silesian basin (Silesia, Czech Republic)
Carbonate concretions from the terrestrial sediments of Upper Suchá Member of the Karviná Formation (Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin) stratigraphically…
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