• Article:
    Basal Balinka Conglomerates in the southern part of the Boskovice Basin between Moravský Krumlov and Veverská Bítýška: correlation lithostratigraphic horizon? (2024/2)
    Hršelová, P., † Houzar, S., Buriánek, D., Štelcl, J., 2024: Bazální balinské slepence v jižní části boskovické pánve mezi Moravským Krumlovem a Veverskou Bítýškou: korelační litostratigrafický horizont? – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 109, 2, 213–233 (with English summary).
    Upper Carboniferous Balinka conglomerates were deposited along the western limb of the Boskovice Basin (eastern part of the Bohemian Massif). They may be locally developed as breccias along its base, tran sitioning into predominant conglomerates and passing gradually into the overlying medium- to fine-grained…
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  • Article:
    Paleontology of the Obora locality (2004/1–2)
    Dostál, O., 2004: Paleontologie lokality Obora. - Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Geol., 89, 1-2, 189-221 (with English summary)
    Paleontology of the Obora locality Permian sediments of the Zboněk-Svitávka horizon are exposed at the locality Obora. Plants are common and more than about two thirds of species were determined for the first time at the locality. Invertebrates are represented by two subphyla (Crustacea…
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