Fauna mastodonts (Proboscidea, Mammalia) Moravian part Viennese basin
Article PDFFauna mastodonts (Proboscidea, Mammalia) Moravian part Viennese basin
The area lying 2 km E of Mikulov represents a very complicated sedimentary complex characterized by pelitic, psephitic and psamitic deposits of different ages. The psephitic-psamitic sediments exploited earlier in so called Czujan sand-pit are rich in mammal fauna of the Upper Middle Miocene.
In this introductory paper the case history of the opinions concerning the stratigraphic position is given and the measurements of the mastodons teeth of the species Zygolophodon turicensis (Schinz) and Gomphothorium angustidens (Cuvier) are compiled. On the basis of the paleontologic evaluation an outline of the paleoecologic characteristics and the stratigraphic classification of the locality is given.
Luděk Seitl, Ústav Anthropos, Moravské muzeum, Brno