Osteologická a morfologická analýza druhu Anenchelum glarisianum BLAINVILLE, 1818 (Trichiuridae) z menilitového souvrství moravské části Západních Karpat (Oligocén, rupel)
Článek v PDFOsteological and morphological analysis of the scabbardfish Anenchelum glarisianum BLAINVILLE, 1818 (Trichiuridae) from the Menilitic Formation of the Moravian part of West Carpathians (Oligocene, Rupelian)
A detailed osteological and anatomical analysis of the abundant articulated and disarticulated skeletons of Anenchelum glarisianum BLAINVILLE, 1818 was undertaken. Restoration of the validity of the fossil genus Anenchelum referred previously to recent genus Lepidopus GOUAN, 1770 published by BANNIKOV and PARIN (1995) was confirmed herein on the fossil material from the Moravian part of the Menilitic Formation. It also allowed us to enhance our knowledge of the osteology and morphology of this taxon.
Růžena Gregorová, Moravian Museum, Department of Geology and Paleontology, Zelný trh 6, 659 37 Brno, Czech Republic, e–mail: rgregorova@mzm.cz