Bi₄Se₃ and ikunolite-laitakarite from the uranium deposit Zálesí near Javorník in Rychlebské hory Mts. (2005/1–2)Fojt, B., Škoda, , R., 2005: Bi₄Se₃ a ikunolit-laitakarit z uranového ložiska Zálesí u Javorníku v Rychlebských horách. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 90, 1–2, 99–107 (with English summary)
Bi₄Se₃ and ikunolite-laitakarite from the uranium deposit Zálesí near Javorník in Rychlebské hory Mts.
Bi-Se-S minerals were found in the uranium vein-type deposit in the vicinity of Zálesí near Javorník in Czech Silesia, Bohemian Massif. Lathy and needle-like…
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