Radioactivity and chemistry of granitoids in the eastern part of the Lugicum (Czech Republic) (2023/2)Zimák, J., 2023: Radioaktivita a chemismus granitoidů ve východní části lugika (Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 108, 2, 243–268 (with English summary).
Radioactivity and chemistry of granitoids in the eastern part of the Lugicum (Czech Republic)
Two petrographically different types of granitoid bodies cropout in the eastern part of the Lugicum in the territory of the Czech Republic. The first type is represented by small granite or granodiorite…
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New petrological, mineralogical and palaeontological research in the quarry Podhůra (Maleník Block, Moravo-Silesian Culm) (2008/1–2)Dolníček, Z., Kropáč, K., Lehotský, T., Škoda, R., Jačková, I., 2008: Nové petrografické, mineralogické a paleontologické výzkumy v lomu Podhůra (kra Maleníku, moravskoslezský kulm). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 93, 1–2, 91–112 (with English summary)
New petrological, mineralogical and palaeontological research in the quarry Podhůra (Maleník Block, Moravo-Silesian Culm)
The quarry Podhůra is situated near the contact of the Bohemian massif and Western Carpathians. There are exposed Lower Carboniferous sedimentary rocks belonging to…
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W-, Nb-, Ta-, and Fe-rich brookite from pegmatite near Bobrůvka, Strážek Moldanubicum (Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic) (2015/1)Gadas, P., Novák, M., Hrazdil, V., Mozola, J., Kummer, R., 2015: W, Nb, Ta a Fe bohatý brookit z pegmatitu u Bobrůvky, strážecké moldanubikum, Česká republika. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 100, 1, 3–16 (with English summary)
W-, Nb-, Ta-, and Fe-rich brookite from pegmatite near Bobrůvka, Strážek Moldanubicum (Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic)
Anatase, brookite, and rutile have been identified in small cavities along with albite, muscovite, tourmaline (Mg-rich schorl) and fluorapatite in pegmatitic material…
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Chemistry of rocks of the Macocha and Líšeň Formations in the Mokrá Quarry (Moravian Karst) (2016/1–2)Zimák, J., Štelcl, J., Dalajková, K., Donocik, J., Kopecká, L., 2016: Chemismus hornin macošského a líšeňského souvrství ve velkolomu Mokrá (Moravský kras). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 101, 1–2, 45–63 (with English summary)
Chemistry of rocks of the Macocha and Líšeň Formations in the Mokrá Quarry (Moravian Karst)
The quality of cement clinker is related to the chemistry of the raw materials (typically limestone and clay or shale and other materials) used. The paper provides detailed information about chemistry…
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