Polymetamorphic overprinted and silicified banded magnetite ores from the Desná gneisses (Silesicum, Czech Republic) (2000/1–2)Mücke, A., Losos, Z., 2000: Polymetamorfně přepracované, páskované a silicifikované magnetitové rudy v desenských rulách (Silesikum, Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 85, 1–2, 47–80 (with English summary)
Polymetamorphic overprinted and silicified banded magnetite ores from the Desná gneisses (Silesicum, Czech Republic)
Magnetite ores of the Desná Group in Silesicum represent metamorphosed and silicified banded iron ores, primarily of magmatic origin, similar to the "Itakpe" ore type in…
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Laumontite from the Sobotín-Štětínov (Moravia, Czech Republic) (2015/2)Jirásek, J., Matýsek, D., 2015: Laumontit ze Sobotína-Štětínova (Morava, Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 100, 2, 39–43 (with English summary)
Laumontite from the Sobotín-Štětínov (Moravia, Czech Republic)
Sobotín-Štětínov (also Kožušná or Fellberg) is classic Moravian locality of low-temperature hydrothermal fissure alpine-type mineralization. Most prominent zeolite finds came from the end of 19th and the…
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