Allanite and its alteration products from pegmatite and skarn near Rešice, Western Moravia, Czech Republic (2002/1–2)Filip, J., Houzar, S., Sulovský, P., 2002: Allanit a produkty jeho přeměny z pegmatitu a ze skarnu u Rešic, západní Morava. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 87, 1–2, 87–101 (with English summary)
Allanite and its alteration products from pegmatite and skarn near Rešice, Western Moravia, Czech Republic
Allanite-(Ce) occurs in pyroxene (± garnet; plagioclase) skarn and in pegmatite dykes cutting regionally metamorphosed iron skarn body near Rešice. The results of microscopic study…
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