• Article:
    Paulkerrite and earlshannonite from pegmatite near Dolní Bory (western Moravia, Czechoslovakia) (1988/1–2)
    Staněk, J., 1988: Paulkerrite and earlshannonite from pegmatite near Dolní Bory (western Moravia, Czechoslovakia). - Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Nat., 73, 1-2, 29-34 (with English summary)
    Paulkerrite and earlshannonite from pegmatite near Dolní Bory (western Moravia, Czechoslovakia) Assoctated with secondary Fe-Mn phosphates from pegmatite near Dolní Bory, two additional ones - paulkerrite and earlshannonite - were found. In the case of paulkerrite it is the second occurrence in…
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