Iron oxide concretions from the sandpit Závada near Hlučín (Silesia, Czech Republic) (2014/1)Matýsek, D., Jirásek, J., 2014: Železite konkrece z piskovny Zavada u Hlučina (Slezsko, Česka republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 99, 1, 91–96 (with English summary)
Iron oxide concretions from the sandpit Závada near Hlučín (Silesia, Czech Republic)
Sandpit Závada near Hlučín (14 km NW from Ostrava) is extracting glaciolacustrine sediments of Saale Glacial Stage. In the upper part of the sand deposit is developed irregular horizon cemented by “limonite”,…
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