Mineralogy and genesis of the epithermal veins from the quarry in Dolní Loučky near Tišnov (2003/1–2)Dolníček, Z., Malý, K., 2003: Mineralogie a geneze epitermálních žil z lomu v Dolních Loučkách u Tišnova. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 88, 1–2, 149–166 (with English summary)
Mineralogy and genesis of the epithermal veins from the quarry in Dolní Loučky near Tišnov
Epithermal veins in the quarry Dolní Loučky near Tišnov (about 20 km NW from Brno) hosted by Proterozoic metagranitoids were studied using various mineralogical techniques, including fluid inclusion…
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