Corundum-bearing pegmatite from Pokojovice near Třebíč, Czech Republic (1993/1–2)Trnka, M., Houzar, S., 1993: Corundum-bearing pegmatite from Pokojovice near Třebíč, Czech Republic. - Acta Mus. Moraviae., Sci. Nat., 78, 1-2, 3-12 (with Czech summary)
Corundum-bearing pegmatite from Pokojovice near Třebíč, Czech Republic
The Pokojovice corundum-bearing pegmatite is found in the varied group of Moravian Moldanubicum. It forms a discordant dike, up to 2 m thick, penetrating amphibolite with thin layers of calcite marble, and skarn-like…
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Cummingtonite amphibolites and their position within the West Moravian Moldanubian Zone (2001/1–2)Němec, D., 2001: Cummingtonite amphibolites and their position within the West Moravian Moldanubian Zone. - Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Geol., 86, 1-2, 93-102 (with Czech summary)
Cummingtonite amphibolites and their position within the West Moravian Moldanubian Zone
Cummingtonite amphibolite was identified in the West Moravian Moldanubian Zone within the Kotlasy amphibolite complex as a rare rock type. Cummingtonite crystallised there instead of hornblende due to…
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