Several new species of bone-fishes (Teleostei, Otoliths) from the West Carpathians Tertiary
Article PDFActa Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Nat. 71 (1986), issue 1–2, pages 55-71
Several new species of bone-fishes (Teleostei, Otoliths) from the West Carpathians Tertiary
Eight new species of the bone-fishes (Telostei, Otoliths) are described from the Tertiary of the Outer West Carpathians (Moravia): Valenciennellus steurbauti and Antigonia holzknechti from the autochthonous Lower Oligocene of the Nesvačilka trough and “genus Searsidarum” kotthaust, Pneumatophorus lascivus, Lampichthys schwarzhansi, Coelorhynchus macruruloides, Ventrifosa qaemerst and Lactorius remotus from the Lower Badenian (Middle Miocene) of the Carpathian Foredeep.
Rostislav Brzobohatý, Ústřední ústav geologický, Brno, Leitnerova 22
Brzobohatý, R., 1986: Einige neue Arten von Knochenfischen (Teleostei, Otolithen) aus dem westkarpatischen Tertiär. - Sci. Nat., 71, 1-2, 55-71 (with Czech summary)