Preliminary report of the discovery of a sirenian rib (order Sirenia) from the Neogene sediments at Bulhary locality (Břeclav district, Czech Republic)
Article PDFActa Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Geol. 93 (2008), issue 1–2, pages 225-228
Preliminary report of the discovery of a sirenian rib (order Sirenia) from the Neogene sediments at Bulhary locality (Břeclav district, Czech Republic)
A siren (mermaid) rib from the Badenian sediments at Bulhary site is described here. It is the first record of siren remains from Badenian sediments from Moravian part of Vienna Basin and the second one from the Czech Republic.
Růžena Gregorová, Moravian Museum, Department of Geology and Paleontology, Zelný trh 6, 659 37 Brno, Czech Republic, e-mail:
Kamil Zágoršek, National Museum, Department of Palaeontology, Václavské nám. 68, 115 79 Praha, e-mail:
Gregorová, R., Zágoršek, K., 2008: Zpráva o nálezu žebra sirény (řád Sirenia) z neogenních sedimentů lokality Bulhary (okres Břeclav, Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 93, 1–2, 225–228 (with English summary)