Mineralogy of ore occurrences near Rozseč nad Kunštátem and Štěchov-Lačnov villages (Svratka dome)
Article PDFMineralogy of ore occurrences near Rozseč nad Kunštátem and Štěchov-Lačnov villages (Svratka dome)
The paper presents the characteristics of two ore occurrences Pb-Zn( -Sb) type in the Svratka dome: near Rozseč nad Kunštátem and Štěchov-Lačnov. A history of mining in localities, paragenesis and main ore minerals (sphalerite, galenite, tetrahedrite,bournonite), gangue minerals (Mg ankerite, Fe dolomite) and supergene minerals are described. Minerals were studied using chemical analyses, electron microprobe analyses (EDX analyses), X-ray diffraction and infrared absorption spectroscopy. The mineralizations are mesothermal type (about 220°C according to the sulphur isotope thermometry). There is supposed to be the metamorphogenic origin of mineralizations.
Karel Malý, Vysočina Museum Jihlava, Masarykovo nám. 55, 586 01 Jihlava, Czech Republic, e-mail: malykarel@post.cz