Hydrotermální původ jeskyní v Českém krasu: nové paradigma
Article PDFHydrothermal origin for the coves of the Bohemian Karst, Czech Republic: a new paradigm
The caves developed in Lower Paleozoic carbonate rocks of the Bohemian Karst are interpreted as a result of a hydrothermal dissolution. The main evidence includes 1) a close spatial link of the caves to hydrothermal calcite veins, 2) a variety of distinctive dissolution forms indicative of non-gravitational hydrodynamics, and 3) presence of specific, exotic precipitates within the caves. Moreover, most of the features typical of the caves of the Bohemian Karst can be readily compared to those of the Zbrašov Caves of Moravia that have been known for long as a typical example of hydrothermal caves.
The origin of at least some hydrothermal caves in the Bohemian Karst and elsewhere in the Czech Republic could have been tied to the circulation of warm fluids along active tectonic lineaments. A line of indirect evidence indicates that in the Bohemian Massif, transient pulses of fluid activity that were responsible for the origin of hydrothermal caves may have occurred since Tertiary period.
Václav Suchý, Institute of Geology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Rozvojová 135, 165 00 Praha 6
Antonín Zeman, Obětí 6. května 6, 14000 Praha 4