Zirconolite, baddeleyite and geikielite in clinohumite-spinel-forsterite marbles near Horažďovice and Prachatice in southwestern Bohemia (2008/1–2)Čopjaková, R., Vrána, S., Houzar, S., Červený, A., Malec, J., 2008: Zirkonolit, baddeleyit a geikielit v klinohumit-spinel-forsteritových mramorech z okolí Horažďovic a Prachatic, jihozápadní Čechy. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 93, 1–2, 37–51 (with English summary)
Zirconolite, baddeleyite and geikielite in clinohumite-spinel-forsterite marbles near Horažďovice and Prachatice in southwestern Bohemia
Zirconolite, baddeleyite and geikielite are described from two localities in marbles of the Horažďovice-Sušice belt in SW Bohemia and another localities…
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Zirconolite in marble at Krahulov and age of HT/LP metamorphism in the contact aureole of the Třebíč Pluton (Moldanubian zone) (2009/1–2)Čopjaková, R., Houzar, S., 2009: Zirkonolit v mramoru u Krahulova a stáří HT/LP metamorfózy moldanubika v kontaktní aureole třebíčského plutonu. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 94, 1–2, 67–76 (with English summary)
Zirconolite in marble at Krahulov and age of HT/LP metamorphism in the contact aureole of the Třebíč Pluton (Moldanubian zone)
Regional-scale contact metamorphism of the Třebíč Pluton led to the formation of distinct zoning manifested typically in dolomite marbles. Inside part of metamorphic…
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Geikielite-baddeleyite in mineral assemblage of dolomite marbles from the contact aureole of the Třebíč Pluton (Moldanubian zone) (2010/1)Houzar, S., Gadas, P., Čopjaková, R., 2010: Minerální asociace geikielit-baddeleyit v dolomitických mramorech moravského moldanubika v kontaktní aureole třebíčského plutonu. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 95, 1, 71–82 (with English summary)
Geikielite-baddeleyite in mineral assemblage of dolomite marbles from the contact aureole of the Třebíč Pluton (Moldanubian zone)
Within the inner part of metamorphic aureole of the Třebíč Pluton, geikielite-ilmenite and baddeleyite occur as accessory minerals in spinel-forsterite marbles.…
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