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    Chlorites as metamorphic indicators of carbonate and pelitic rocks of the Bôrka nappe at the locality Slavoška (Slovak Republic) (2024/1)
    Ružička, P., 2024: Chlority ako indikátory metamorfózy karbonátových a pelitických hornín príkrovu Bôrky na lokalite Slavoška (Slovenská republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 109, 1, 83–98 (with English summary)
    Chlorites as metamorphic indicators of carbonate and pelitic rocks of the Bôrka nappe at the locality Slavoška (Slovak Republic) Based on chemical composition of chlorites in marble and in phyllite from the locality Slavoška within the Bôrka Nappe, the tem pe rature conditions of regional…
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    Characteristics of the chemical composition of tourmalines from phyllites near Štítnik (Slovak Republic) (2023/2)
    Ružička, P., 2023: Charakteristika chemického zloženia turmalínov z fylitov v okolí Štítnika (Slovenská republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 108, 2, 225–242 (with English summary).
    Characteristics of the chemical composition of tourmalines from phyllites near Štítnik (Slovak Republic) The zonal metamorphic tourmalines with detrital cores were identified in the phyllites near Štítnik (Bôrka Nappe, Western Carpathians). The younger metamorphic tourmalines of dravite…
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    Mineral composition of laminated basalt metapyroclastics and marbles at the localities near Ochtiná (Slovak Republic) (2022/2)
    Ružička, P., Myšľan, P., 2022: Mineralne zloženie laminovanych bazaltovych metapyroklastik a mramorov na lokalitach v okoli Ochtinej (Slovenska republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 107, 2, 165–185 (with English summary)
    Mineral composition of laminated basalt metapyroclastics and marbles at the localities near Ochtiná (Slovak Republic) Basalt metapyroclastics at the localities Ochtina – Pod Vapnom and Ochtina – Hradok form laminated intercalations in marbles of the Borka nappe (Meliatic Unit), Western…
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    Granitic pegmatites of the Western Carpathians: a review (2019/2)
    Uher, P., 2019: Granitové pegmatity Západných Karpát: súčasný stav poznatkov. – Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Geol., 104, 2, 139–167 (with English summary)
    Granitic pegmatites of the Western Carpathians: a review The West-Carpathian granitic pegmatites form dikes to lensoid bodies (<10 m thick) in parental, orogenrelated Variscan calc-alkaline granitic rocks (tonalites, granodiorites and granites) of S- and I-type affinity or in adjacent…
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    New mineralogical finds at the Kotouč quarry near Štramberk, Western Carpathians, Northern Moravia, Czech Republic (2011/1)
    Jirásek, J., Martinásek, L., Matýsek, D., Skupien, P., 2011: Nové mineralogické nálezy z lomu Kotouč u Štramberku, Západní Karpaty, severní Morava, Česká republika. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 96, 1, 19–31 (with English summary)
    New mineralogical finds at the Kotouč quarry near Štramberk, Western Carpathians, Northern Moravia, Czech Republic The submitted contribution is an overview of mineralogical investigations of Kotouč quarry at Štramberk during years 2000–2010. Exploited body of Štramberk Limestone belongs…
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    Petrography and chemical composition of mudstones and marls of the Silesian Unit (Godula facies; Western Carpathians) (2014/1)
    Buriánek, D., Bubík, M., Gilíková, H., 2014: Petrografie a geochemie jílovců a slínovců godulského vývoje slezské jednotky Západních Karpat. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 99, 1, 77–89 (with English summary)
    Petrography and chemical composition of mudstones and marls of the Silesian Unit (Godula facies; Western Carpathians) This paper is focused on the chemical composition of mudstones and marls from the Godula facies of the Silesian Unit of Moravian-Silesian Carpathians (Godula, Istebna, Rožnov,…
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