Palaeontological excavations in the Sloup caves (northern part of the Moravian Karst) (1998/1–2)Seitl, L., 1998: Paleontologické výzkumy ve Sloupských jeskyních (severní část Moravského krasu). - Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Geol., 83, 1-2, 123-145 (with German summary)
Palaeontological excavations in the Sloup caves (northern part of the Moravian Karst)
The Sloup caves (northern part of the Moravian Karst) have been known since the 17th century owing to an extraordinary quantity of fossil bones. Palaeontological excavations were started there in the 1850s…
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Paleodiet inferred from Ursus spelaeus ROSENMÜLLER et HEINROTH tooth from Tmavá skala cave (Slovak Republic) using carbon isotope analyses (2007/1–2)Ábelová, M., 2007: Paleodiet inferred from Ursus spelaeus ROSENMÜLLER et HEINROTH tooth from Tmavá skala cave (Slovak Republic) using carbon isotope analyses. – Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. geol., 92, 1-2, 151–156 (with English summary)
Paleodiet inferred from Ursus spelaeus ROSENMÜLLER et HEINROTH tooth from Tmavá skala cave (Slovak Republic) using carbon isotope analyses
Isotopes of carbon were employed in the study of Ursus spelaeus second upper molar M2 from Late Würm bear cave Tmavá skala (Little Carpathians,…
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