“Crapaudine” (Scheenstia teeth) – the jewel of Kings (2020/2)Gregorová, R., Bohatý, M., Stehlíková, D., Duffin, Ch., 2020: “Crapaudine” (Scheenstia teeth) – the jewel of Kings. – Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae geologicae, 105, 2, 277–294 (with Czech summary)
“Crapaudine”1 (Scheenstia teeth) – the jewel of Kings
Two inconspicuous brown stones in the crown on the reliquary bust of Charlemagne held in the Treasury of Aachen Cathedral are set next to cameos, pearls, precious and semi-precious stones. Rather unusually, they are the…
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Morphometrical analysis of the cave bear dental material from the Barová Cave in the Moravian Karst (2020/1)Plichta, A., Roblíčková, M., Káňa, V., 2020: Morfometrická analýza dentálního materiálu medvěda jeskynního z Barové jeskyně v Moravském krasu. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 105, 1, 153–178 (with English summary)
Morphometrical analysis of the cave bear dental material from the Barová Cave in the Moravian Karst
The Barová Cave is located in the central part of the Moravian Karst and is a outflow part of the Rudické propadání and Býčí skála cave system. The Barová Cave was a typical bear…
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Paleodiet inferred from Ursus spelaeus ROSENMÜLLER et HEINROTH tooth from Tmavá skala cave (Slovak Republic) using carbon isotope analyses (2007/1–2)Ábelová, M., 2007: Paleodiet inferred from Ursus spelaeus ROSENMÜLLER et HEINROTH tooth from Tmavá skala cave (Slovak Republic) using carbon isotope analyses. – Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. geol., 92, 1-2, 151–156 (with English summary)
Paleodiet inferred from Ursus spelaeus ROSENMÜLLER et HEINROTH tooth from Tmavá skala cave (Slovak Republic) using carbon isotope analyses
Isotopes of carbon were employed in the study of Ursus spelaeus second upper molar M2 from Late Würm bear cave Tmavá skala (Little Carpathians,…
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Oxfordian pliosaurids of the northern Tethys within the context of the thalassophonean phylogeny (2018/2)Madzia, D., Březina, J., Calábková, G., 2018: Oxfordští pliosauři severní Tethydy v kontextu fylogeneze kladu Thalassophonea. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 103, 2, 87–97 (with English summary)
Oxfordian pliosaurids of the northern Tethys within the context of the thalassophonean phylogeny
Apparent differences between the faunal compositions of Callovian (late Middle Jurassic) and Kimmeridgian–Tithonian (middle to late Late Jurassic) marine diapsids of Europe suggest that a faunal…
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