Metamorphism of dolomitic rocks at the north-eastern margin of the Moldanubicum, western Moravia, Czechoslovakia (1989/1–2)Novák, M., 1989: Metamorfóza dolomitických hornin při severovýchodním okraji moldanubika. - Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Nat., 74, 1-2, 7-51 (with English summary)
Metamorphism of dolomitic rocks at the north-eastern margin of the Moldanubicum, western Moravia, Czechoslovakia
Mineral relations in dolomitic rocks of the Strážek Moldanubicum and Svratka crystalline complex confirm their polymetamorphic origin. The oldest metamorphism M 1, characterized…
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Mafic enclaves from the diatexite migmatites in the Svratka crystalline complex (2008/1–2)Buriánek, D., 2008: Mafické enklávy v diatexitických migmatitech svrateckého krystalinika. - Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. geol., 93, 1-2, 137–150 (with English summary)
Mafic enclaves from the diatexite migmatites in the Svratka crystalline complex
Metatexite and diatexite migmatites are widespread in the Svratka crystalline complex (SCC). Their geochemical character is close to melts that originated by a dehydration melting of micas. Petrological and geochemical…
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Tourmaline from the mica schist of the Svratka Crystalline Complex (2008/1–2)Buriánek, D., Čopjaková, R., 2008: Turmalíny ze svorů svrateckého krystalinika. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 93, 1–2, 61–79 (with English summary)
Tourmaline from the mica schist of the Svratka Crystalline Complex
Tourmaline is a typical accessory mineral for most of micaschists in the Svratka Crystalline Complex. Based on petrographic and chemical data, two main generations of tourmaline have been distinguished. The first generation…
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Tourmalinites from the southern part of Svratka Crystalline Complex (2007/1–2)Čopjaková, R., Buriánek, D., Škoda, R., Houzar, S., 2007: Turmalinity jižní části svrateckého krystalinika. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 92, 1–2, 111–130 (with English summary)
Tourmalinites from the southern part of Svratka Crystalline Complex
Tourmalinites from the southern part of the Svratka Crystalline complex form stratiform layers hosted in mica schist. They probably represent a part of metamorphosed volcano-sedimentary complex primary rich in F and B. Whole…
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Mineralogy, petrography and geology of the Nedvědice marbles, Svratka Crystalline Complex; a review (2006/1–2)Houzar, S., Novák, M., Doležalová, H., Hrazdil, V., Pfeiferová, A., 2006: Přehled mineralogie, petrografie a geologie nedvědických mramorů, svratecké krystalinikum. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 91, 1–2, 3–77 (with English summary)
Mineralogy, petrography and geology of the Nedvědice marbles, Svratka Crystalline Complex; a review
Nedvědice marbles occur in a narrow belt situated along the eastern and northeastern margin of the Svratka Crystalline Complex (Moldanubian Zone). Elongated bodies of calcite marbles up to…
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