Primary Nb–, Ta–, W–, Sn– and Ti– oxides in tourmalines from pockets of simple pegmatites of the Strážek Moldanubicum, Czech Republic (2020/1)Gadas, P., Novák, M., 2020: Primární oxidy Nb, Ta, W, Sn a Ti v turmalínech z dutin jednoduchých pegmatitů strážeckého moldanubika, Česká republika. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 105, 1, 43–55 (with English summary)
Primary Nb–, Ta–, W–, Sn– and Ti– oxides in tourmalines from pockets of simple pegmatites of the Strážek Moldanubicum, Czech Republic
Complex Nb–, Ta–, W–, Sn– and Ti – oxides occur as inclusions in tourmalines from pockets of 7 simple pegmatites in Strážek Moldanubicum.…
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Metamorphism of dolomitic rocks at the north-eastern margin of the Moldanubicum, western Moravia, Czechoslovakia (1989/1–2)Novák, M., 1989: Metamorfóza dolomitických hornin při severovýchodním okraji moldanubika. - Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Nat., 74, 1-2, 7-51 (with English summary)
Metamorphism of dolomitic rocks at the north-eastern margin of the Moldanubicum, western Moravia, Czechoslovakia
Mineral relations in dolomitic rocks of the Strážek Moldanubicum and Svratka crystalline complex confirm their polymetamorphic origin. The oldest metamorphism M 1, characterized…
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Accessory Nb, Ta, Ti-oxide minerals from a pegmatite at uranium mine Drahonín, Strážek Moldanubicum (2004/1–2)Škoda, R., Novák, , M., 2004: Akcesorické Nb-Ta-Ti minerály z pegmatitu v uranovém dole Drahonín, strážecké moldanubikum. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 89, 1–2, 55–66 (with English summary)
Accessory Nb, Ta, Ti-oxide minerals from a pegmatite at uranium mine Drahonín, Strážek Moldanubicum
Zoned granitic pegmatite from uranium mine Drahonín, Strážek Moldanubicum with muskovite, biotite, tourmaline and sekaninaite contains accessory Y+REE, Nb, Ta, Ti-oxide minerals. They…
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Peraluminous granites in the south part Stražek Moldanubicum – example of the evolution peraluminous granitic melt (2011/2)Buriánek, D., 2011: Peraluminické granity v jižní části strážeckého moldanubika – příklad vývoje peraluminické granitické taveniny. – Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. geol., 96, 2, 69–82 (with English summary)
Peraluminous granites in the south part Stražek Moldanubicum – example of the evolution peraluminous granitic melt
Peraluminous muscovite-biotite granites sometimes with tourmaline form small bodies arranged along the Ořechov fault in the south part the Strážek Moldanubicum. According…
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Pocket minerals from simple pegmatites and associated muscovite veins of Strážek Moldanubicum (Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic) (2014/2)Gadas, P., Hrazdil, V., Novák, M., Houzar, S., 2014: Minerály dutin jednoduchých pegmatitů a je doprovázejících muskovitových žil strážeckého moldanubika, Česká republika. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 99, 2, 49–71 (with English summary)
Pocket minerals from simple pegmatites and associated muscovite veins of Strážek Moldanubicum (Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic)
Simple anatectic pegmatites with common pockets lined with crystals of smoky quartz, K-feldspar, albite, muscovite, zoned black tourmaline (schorl, oxy-schorl,…
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W-, Nb-, Ta-, and Fe-rich brookite from pegmatite near Bobrůvka, Strážek Moldanubicum (Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic) (2015/1)Gadas, P., Novák, M., Hrazdil, V., Mozola, J., Kummer, R., 2015: W, Nb, Ta a Fe bohatý brookit z pegmatitu u Bobrůvky, strážecké moldanubikum, Česká republika. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 100, 1, 3–16 (with English summary)
W-, Nb-, Ta-, and Fe-rich brookite from pegmatite near Bobrůvka, Strážek Moldanubicum (Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic)
Anatase, brookite, and rutile have been identified in small cavities along with albite, muscovite, tourmaline (Mg-rich schorl) and fluorapatite in pegmatitic material…
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Surface gamma spectrometric measurements of exploration areas in localities Kraví Hora and Horka propřed for construction of a deep geological repository of radioactive waste (2016/1–2)Charvát, R., Štelcl, J., 2016: Povrchová gamaspektrometrická měření průzkumných území lokalit Kraví Hora a Horka navrhovaných k výstavbě hlubinného úložiště radioaktivního odpadu. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 101, 1–2, 65–74 (with English summary)
Surface gamma spectrometric measurements of exploration areas in localities Kraví Hora and Horka propřed for construction of a deep geological repository of radioactive waste
This paper focuses on the problem of finding a suitable location for a deep geological repository of radioactive…
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