New mineralogical finds at the Kotouč quarry near Štramberk, Western Carpathians, Northern Moravia, Czech Republic (2011/1)Jirásek, J., Martinásek, L., Matýsek, D., Skupien, P., 2011: Nové mineralogické nálezy z lomu Kotouč u Štramberku, Západní Karpaty, severní Morava, Česká republika. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 96, 1, 19–31 (with English summary)
New mineralogical finds at the Kotouč quarry near Štramberk, Western Carpathians, Northern Moravia, Czech Republic
The submitted contribution is an overview of mineralogical investigations of Kotouč quarry at Štramberk during years 2000–2010. Exploited body of Štramberk Limestone belongs…
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