Petrographical and geochemical study of sedimentary rocks in the Javoříčko caves (Czech Republic) (1998/1–2)Štelcl, J., Zimák, J., 1998: Sedimentárně petrografické a geochemické studium Javoříčských jeskyní. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 83, 1–2, 97–108 (with English summary)
Petrographical and geochemical study of sedimentary rocks in the Javoříčko caves (Czech Republic)
The article presents results of sedimentary petrographical and geochemical research of Devonian limestones and Quartemary cave soils in a part of the Javoříčko Caves which seems to be very…
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New finding of the soils in the National Park Podyjí focusing on the deposit of a humolites there (Moravia, Czech Republic) (2016/1–2)Šušolová, J., Doláková, N., Gregerová, M., Dundek, P., Hadacz, R., 2016: Nové poznatky k půdám na území Národního parku Podyjí se zaměřením na výskyt humolitů. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 101, 1–2, 99–125 (with English summary)
New finding of the soils in the National Park Podyjí focusing on the deposit of a humolites there (Moravia, Czech Republic)
Between 2014–2015 soil researches in the National Park Podyjí were performed. The primary interest in the researches was to verify the deposit of humolites (peat,…
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