Supergene minerals from Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu base-metal historical ore deposits at Českomoravská vrchovina Highlands, Czech Republic; A review (2019/1)Víšková, E., Houzar, S., Hrazdil, V., 2019: Přehled supergenních minerálů Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu z historických rudních ložisek na Českomoravské vrchovině. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 104, 1, 5–48 (with English summary)
Supergene minerals from Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu base-metal historical ore deposits at Českomoravská vrchovina Highlands, Czech Republic; A review
The work presents a brief characterization of the known oxidic minerals of the supergene zone, especially from Moldanubian Zone, Moravosilesian, Bohemian…
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Secondary mineralization on the mine waste of the Kukla coal mine in Oslavany (2006/1–2)Dokoupilová, P., Losos, Z., Vávra, V., 2006: Sekundární mineralizace na haldě dolu Kukla v Oslavanech. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 91, 1–2, 97–104 (with English summary)
Secondary mineralization on the mine waste of the Kukla coal mine in Oslavany
Secondary minerals on the waste tip of the Kukla coal mine in Oslavany are described. In the 2005, sulphur, gypsum and hexahydrite were collected and verified. New phases for the locality are secondary anhydrite,…
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