Mineralogy of glauconitic sandstone, wastes from its processing and glass sand from Dolní Lhota near Blansko (2020/2)Zimák, J., Reif, J., Krist, P., Musil, P., Šácha, D., Všianský, D., 2020: Mineralogie glaukonitického pískovce, odpadů z jeho úpravy a sklářského písku z Dolní Lhoty u Blanska. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 105, 2, 199–219 (with English summary)
Mineralogy of glauconitic sandstone, wastes from its processing and glass sand from Dolní Lhota near Blansko
In Dolní Lhota near Blansko (Czech Republic), the decaying sandstones of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, formerly used as a raw material for the production of foundry sand, are currently…
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Hydrothermal mineralization in sandstones of Variegated Godula Member at the locality Bystrý potok (Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts.) (2009/1–2)Dolníček, Z., Polách, M., 2009: Hydrotermální mineralizace v pískovcích pestrých godulských vrstev na lokalitě Bystrý potok (Moravskoslezské Beskydy). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 94, 1–2, 97–110 (with English summary)
Hydrothermal mineralization in sandstones of Variegated Godula Member at the locality Bystrý potok (Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts.)
Tiny hydrothermal veinlets hosted by Upper Cretaceous siliciclastic flysch sediments of the Variegated Godula Member (Godula Development, Silesian Unit, Outer…
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New knowledge of petrographic composition of sediments in Rosice-Oslavany Coalfield near Oslavany (2012/2)Hršelová, P., Štelcl, J., Pavlátová, A., Pávková, V., Coufalová, M., 2012: Nové poznatky o petrografickém charakteru sedimentů rosicko-oslavanské pánve u Oslavan. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 97, 2, 95–104 (with English summary)
New knowledge of petrographic composition of sediments in Rosice-Oslavany Coalfield near Oslavany
Several petrographical researches of psamitic sediments were done in Rosice-Oslavany and Padochov Formations in Rosice-Oslavany Coalfield (Czech Republic). Our research shows, that a different…
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Research of Permian-Carboniferous sediments of the southern part of the Boskovice Graben; an overview (Part 2. Geology and Petrography) (2017/1–2)Houzar, S., Hršelová, P., Gilíková, H., Buriánek, D., Nehyba, S., 2017: Přehled historie výzkumů permokarbonských sedimentů jižní časti boskovické brázdy (Část 2. Geologie a petrografie). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 102, 1–2, 3–65 (with English summary)
Research of Permian-Carboniferous sediments of the southern part of the Boskovice Graben; an overview (Part 2. Geology and Petrography).
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