New finds of zeolite mineralization from the historical locality Janovice (Moravia, Czech Republic) (2022/1)Toman, J., Welser, P., Malíková, R., Vrtiška, L., Sejkora, J., Hrazdil, V., Malek, O., 2022: Nové nálezy zeolitové mineralizace z historické lokality Janovice (Morava, Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 107, 1, 3–20 (with English summary)
New finds of zeolite mineralization from the historical locality Janovice (Moravia, Czech Republic)
In 2019, new finds verified the occurrence of zeolite mineralization from the historical locality Janovice (Rábl quarry) and in its vicinity (occurrence in the field above the quarry). Until…
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Hydrothermal mineralization with anatase from Nemojov near Pelhřimov (Czech Republic) (2020/2)Toman, J., Slobodník, M., Hrazdil, V., 2020: Hydrotermální mineralizace s anatasem z Nemojova u Pelhřimova (Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 105, 2, 183–197 (with English summary)
Hydrothermal mineralization with anatase from Nemojov near Pelhřimov (Czech Republic)
The quartz vein with anatase cuts discordantly biotite paragneisses and HT/LP cordierite migmatites of the Pelhřimov complex (Moldanubian zone). It has ENE-WSW direction with a steep slope and its average…
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Chromium-bearing spinel – illite mineral assemblage in quartz rock from Radňoves near Křižanov (Gföhl Unit, Moldanubian Zone, Bohemian Massif) (2020/1)Houzar, S., Hršelová, P., 2020: Chromem bohatá minerální asociace spinelu s illitem v křemenné hornině z Radňovsi u Křižanova (gföhlská jednotka, moldanubikum, Český masiv). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 105, 1, 65–72 (with English summary)
Chromium-bearing spinel – illite mineral assemblage in quartz rock from Radňoves near Křižanov (Gföhl Unit, Moldanubian Zone, Bohemian Massif)
Fine-grained quartz rock was found near the southern contact of the garnet-spinel-orthopyroxene serpentinized peridotite body enclosing in the…
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Occurence and mineralogy of green chalcedony (plasma) in serpentinite residues at Moravia (Moldanubian Zone, Bohemian Massif) (2014/2)Koníčková, Š., 2014: Výskyt a mineralogie zeleného chalcedonu (plazmy) v reziduích moravských serpentinitů (moldanubikum, Český masiv). – Acta Musei Moraviae, Sci. geol., 99, 2, 3–36 (with English summary)
Occurence and mineralogy of green chalcedony (plasma) in serpentinite residues at Moravia (Moldanubian Zone, Bohemian Massif)
Massive green chalcedony (plasma) represents a specific mineral in the weathering zone at serpentinized peridotites of western Moravia (Moldanubian Zone, Bohemian…
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Research of Permo-Carboniferous sediments of the southern part of the Boskovice Graben; an overview (Part 1. History of Mining and Mineralogy) (2016/1–2)Houzar, S., Hršelová, P., 2016: Přehled historie výzkumů permokarbonských sedimentů jižní části boskovické brázdy (Část 1. Historie dolování a mineralogie). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 101, 1–2, 3–32 (with English summary)
Research of Permo-Carboniferous sediments of the southern part of the Boskovice Graben; an overview (Part 1. History of Mining and Mineralogy)
The Boskovice Graben represents a narrow depression of the NNE-SSW direction, filled of terrestrial Carboniferous-Permian sediments largely conglomerates…
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