Revision of historical samples of miesite in the mineralogical collection of the Moravian Museum in Brno: a contribution to the history of pyromorphite research (2022/1)Víšková, E., Bohatý, M., 2022: Revize historických vzorků miesitu v mineralogické sbírce Moravského zemského muzea v Brně: příspěvek k dějinám výzkumu pyromorfitu. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 107, 1, 33–40 (with English summary)
Revision of historical samples of miesite in the mineralogical collection of the Moravian Museum in Brno: a contribution to the history of pyromorphite research
Revision of historical samples of miesite in the collection of the Mineralogy and Petrography Department of Moravian Museum, Brno,…
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Secondary minerals from uranium deposit Jelení vrch near Horní Hoštice in the Rychlebské hory Mts. (Czech Republic) (2004/1–2)Pauliš, P., Novák, F., Ševců, J., 2004: Sekundární minerály z uranového ložiska Jelení vrch u Horních Hoštic v Rychlebských horách. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 89, 1–2, 121–138 (with English summary)
Secondary minerals from uranium deposit Jelení vrch near Horní Hoštice in the Rychlebské hory Mts. (Czech Republic)
Ten secondary minerals as: anglesite, carbonate-hydroxylapatite, hemimorphite, kasolite, langite, mottramite, parsonsite, pyromorphite, uranophane-beta and vanadinite were…
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Pyromorphite from Pb–Zn ore deposit at Nová Ves near Rýmařov (Jeseníky Mts., Czech Republic) (2007/1–2)Kocourková, E., Losos, Z., Vávra, V., 2007: Pyromorfit z ložiska olověno-zinkových rud Nová Ves u Rýmařova. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 92, 1–2, 93–102 (with English summary)
Pyromorphite from Pb–Zn ore deposit at Nová Ves near Rýmařov (Jeseníky Mts., Czech Republic)
Pyromorphite samples from weathering zone of the vein deposit Nová Ves at Rýmařov are identified and studied with respect to their origin. Pyromorphite was found in assemblage with limonite…
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Pyromorphite from Jihlava ore district (Czech Republic) (2010/1)Kocourková, E., Houzar, S., Hrazdil, V., 2010: Pyromorfit z jihlavského rudního revíru. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 95, 1, 105–120 (with English summary)
Pyromorphite from Jihlava ore district (Czech Republic)
The supergene mineral assemblage of the Jihlava district, where Pb-Zn-Ag ores were exploited in the medieval age, is characteristic by pyromorphite occurrences. Pyromorphite forms yellow-green to green hexagonal crystals up to 1 cm in…
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