Mineralogically remarkable lamproite occurrence in the Třebíč Pluton at Střítež near Třebíč (2012/1)Krmíček, L., Houzar, S, 2012: Výskyt mineralogicky pozoruhodného lamproitu v třebíčském plutonu ve Stříteži u Třebíče. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 97, 1, 71–88 (with English summary)
Mineralogically remarkable lamproite occurrence in the Třebíč Pluton at Střítež near Třebíč
A new occurrence of a mafic dyke was recognised along the eastern termination of the Moldanubian zone at Střítež near Třebíč (western Moravia, Czech Republic), where crosscuts melanocratic…
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