The Loess of the National Park Podyjí (Moravia, Czech Republic) (2005/1–2)Šušolová, J., 2005: Spraše na území Národního parku Podyjí. - Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Geol., 90, 1-2, 155-169 (with English summary)
The Loess of the National Park Podyjí (Moravia, Czech Republic)
During the years 2002, 2003 and 2004, the reambulance of the geological map of the National park Podyjí was made. It focused on the specification of the extent of loess in the given area. The boundaries of loess accumulations…
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Quaternary evolution of the Grass-snake (Natrix natrix): new evidence (1999/1–2)Ivanov, M., 1999: Quaternary evolution of the Grass-snake (Natrix natrix): new evidence. - Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Geol., 84, 1-2, 153-160 (with Czech summary)
Quaternary evolution of the Grass-snake (Natrix natrix): new evidence
Evolutionary changes of the two cranial elements of the posterior brain-case are observed (basisphenod and prootic) in the living species Natrix natrix since the Lower Pleistocene. It seems to be apparent that…
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Terminoglacial fan deposits from the Javorná stream valley in the Zlaté Hory Region (2011/1)Hanáček, M., 2011: Sedimenty terminoglaciálního kuželu v údolí Javorné na Zlatohorsku. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. geol., 96, 1, 61–86 (with English summary)
Terminoglacial fan deposits from the Javorná stream valley in the Zlaté Hory Region
Glaciofluvial accumulation, which forms a terminoglacial fan is described in this paper. The origin of the fan was affected by the adjoining topography, when the ice sheet lied above the side of the Javorná…
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