Revision of the occurrence of vanadium-rich fissure phosphates at Medkovy Kopce near Hlinsko, Czech Republic (2024/2)Vrtiška, L., Malíková, R., Dolníček, Z., 2024: Revize výskytu vanadem bohatých puklinových fosfátů na lokalitě Medkovy Kopce u Hlinska, Česká republika. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 109, 2, 145–163 (with English summary)
Revision of the occurrence of vanadium-rich fissure phosphates at Medkovy Kopce near Hlinsko, Czech Republic
During the research of secondary fissure phosphates of the Bohemian Massif, the historically mentioned localities in the vicinity of Hlinsko were newly investigated. This paper further…
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