Petrography and mineralogy of the skarn body near Malešov (Kutná Hora Crystalline Complex, Czech Republic) (2023/1)Bubal, J., Dolejš, D., 2023: Petrografie a mineralogie skarnu od Malešova (kutnohorské krystalinikum, Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 108, 1, 79–93 (with English summary)
Petrography and mineralogy of the skarn body near Malešov (Kutná Hora Crystalline Complex, Czech Republic)
The skarn body near Malešov belongs to calcium-iron skarns with a typical Ca-Fe-Al mineral association. The Malešov skarn body is located in the structurally highest part of the…
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Polymetamorphic overprinted and silicified banded magnetite ores from the Desná gneisses (Silesicum, Czech Republic) (2000/1–2)Mücke, A., Losos, Z., 2000: Polymetamorfně přepracované, páskované a silicifikované magnetitové rudy v desenských rulách (Silesikum, Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 85, 1–2, 47–80 (with English summary)
Polymetamorphic overprinted and silicified banded magnetite ores from the Desná gneisses (Silesicum, Czech Republic)
Magnetite ores of the Desná Group in Silesicum represent metamorphosed and silicified banded iron ores, primarily of magmatic origin, similar to the "Itakpe" ore type in…
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Contribution to the knowledge of provenance of pebbles from the Upper Viséean conglomerates in the Drahany Hights: VI. – Skarnoid (2009/1–2)Fojt, B., Houzar, S., Novák, M., 2009: Příspěvek k poznání provenience valounů ve slepencích svrchnoviséského stáří na Drahanské vrchovině: VI. – skarnoid. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 94, 1–2, 129–140 (with English summary)
Contribution to the knowledge of provenance of pebbles from the Upper Viséean conglomerates in the Drahany Hights: VI. – Skarnoid
The pebble of leucocratic biotite migmatite (plagioclase >> K-feldspar) with a small nodule of skarnoid rock (garnet+amphibole+magnetite+quartz) was found…
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Mineralogy of magnetite-grunerite-siderite ores in Radoškov (Bílý potok Unit, Svratka dome, Moravicum) (2013/2)Víšková, E., Fojt, B., Hrazdil, V., Houzar, S., 2013: Mineralogie magnetit-grunerit-sideritového zrudnění z Radoškova (jednotka Bílého potoka, svratecká klenba, moravikum). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 98, 2, 39–50 (with English summary)
Mineralogy of magnetite-grunerite-siderite ores in Radoškov (Bílý potok Unit, Svratka dome, Moravicum)
Metamorphic iron mineralization was documented in an abandoned adit east of Radoškov, Czech Republic. Siderite-rich ore with magnetite, amphibole asbestos, chlorite and small amounts…
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Paragenesis and succesion of ore minerals in the representative skarns of Bohemian-Moravian Highlands, Czech Republic (2013/1)Malec, J., Veselovský, F., Táborský, Z., 2013: Parageneze a sukcese rudních minerálů ve vybraných skarnech Českomoravské vrchoviny. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 98, 1, 13–22 (with English summary)
Paragenesis and succesion of ore minerals in the representative skarns of Bohemian-Moravian Highlands, Czech Republic
The skarns studied are situated in the Kutná Hora Unit (1 locality), Svratka Unit (6 localities) and Moldanubian Zone (3 localities). Main ore mineral of skarns is magnetite,…
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Ferrobustamite-bearing magnetite skarn in marble at Sokolí near Třebíč (Moldanubian zone, Western Moravia) (2018/1)Houzar, S., Šrein, V., 2018: Magnetitový skarn s ferrobustamitem v mramoru v Sokolí u Třebíče (moldanubikum, západní Morava, Český masiv). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 103, 1, 17–27 (with English summary)
Ferrobustamite-bearing magnetite skarn in marble at Sokolí near Třebíč (Moldanubian zone, Western Moravia)
Ferrobustamite was found in Fe-skarn at Sokolí and it is the first known occurrence in the Bohemian Massif. The skarn forms layer in marble enclosed in leucocratic migmatites (diatexites).…
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