Rescue excavation in the Šošůvka Caves near Sloup in the Moravian Karst (2002/1–2)Valoch, K., 2002: Záchranný výzkum v Šošůvských jeskyních u Sloupu v Moravskérn krasu. – Acta Musei Moraviae, Sci. Geol., 87, 1-2, 289-291 (with English summary)
Rescue excavation in the Šošůvka Caves near Sloup in the Moravian Karst
A comprehensive excavation of the Pleistocene sediments, including petrological and geochemical studies, dating, palynological and osteological materials, was carried out on the occasion of extensive technical adaptations…
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Morphometric analysis of fox populations from the Moravian Last Glacial (2011/1)Uhlířová, H., Ivanov, M., Nývltová Fišáková, M., 2011: Morfometrická analýza populací lišek z posledního glaciálu Moravy. – Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. geol., 96, 1, 87–110 (with English summary)
Morphometric analysis of fox populations from the Moravian Last Glacial
The contribution deals with the morphometrics of cranial and postcranial skeleton of the fossil populations of foxes (Vulpes vulpes and Alopex lagopus) from the Late Palaeolithic Gravettian and Magdalenian…
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