Contribution to the genesis of the dry valley between Doubravnik and Borač (Svratecká hornatina Mts.) (2001/1–2)Brzák, M., 2001: Příspěvek ke genezi suchého údolí mezi Doubravníkem a Boračí ve Svratecké hornatině. - Acta Mus. Moravie, Sci. Geol., 86, 1-2, 175-181 (with English summary)
Contribution to the genesis of the dry valley between Doubravnik and Borač (Svratecká hornatina Mts.)
In the past, the dry val1ey with remnants of Lower Badenian marine deposits was considered on the one hand as the pre-badenian Svratka valley, on the other hand as the post-badenian graben.…
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Revision on historical finding of the giant turtle from the Brno Sand (middle Miocene, lower Badenian) (2019/1)Březina, J., Luján, À. H., Calábková, G., Ivanov, M., 2019: Revize historického nálezu obří želvy z brněnských písků (střední miocén, spodní baden). – Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Geol., 104, 1, 113–128 (with English summary).
Revision on historical finding of the giant turtle from the Brno Sand (middle Miocene, lower Badenian)
The collections of Moravian Museum in Brno contain for decade rare find of fossil giant terrestrial tortoise of the genus Titanochelon. There was no more information about the finding…
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Lower Badenian solitary corals suborder Caryophyllida (order Scleractinia) from locality Borač (southern part of the Carpathian Foredeep, Czech Republic) (2016/1–2)Kleprlíková, L., Doláková, N., 2016: Spodnobadenští solitérní korálnatci podřádu Caryophyllida (řád Scleractinia) z lokality Borač (jižní část karpatské předhlubně, Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 101, 1–2, 75–86 (with English summary)
Lower Badenian solitary corals suborder Caryophyllida (order Scleractinia) from locality Borač (southern part of the Carpathian Foredeep, Czech Republic)
Borač locality (southern part of the Carpathian foredeep in Moravia) is known for rich findings of coral fauna. Sediments typical of…
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Scleractinia from a new locality Borač-Podolí (southern part of the Carpathian Foredeep, Czech Republic) (2018/1)Kleprlíková, L., 2018: Scleractinia z nové lokality Borač-Podolí (jižní část karpatské předhlubně, Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 103, 1, 59–66 (with English summary).
Scleractinia from a new locality Borač-Podolí (southern part of the Carpathian Foredeep, Czech Republic)
In this contribution findings of Lower Badenian Scleractinian corals from a new-found locality Borač-Podolí (GPS position: N 49°24.10928', E 16°22.03950') are presented. Locality…
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