Surface depresssions above the exploration area of the mined lignite deposit Ivanka in Hovorany, Moravia, Czech Republic (2024/2)Krejčí, O., Krejčí, V., Tomanová Petrová, P., 2024: Povrchové deprese nad dobývacím prostorem vytěženého ložiska lignitu Ivanka v Hovoranech, Morava, Česká republika. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 109, 2, 275–286 (with English summary).
Surface depresssions above the exploration area of the mined lignite deposit Ivanka in Hovorany, Moravia, Czech Republic
Based on the analysis of the DMR5G digital model of relief and historical aerial orthophotos, a total of 157 depression structures were identified above the excavated mining…
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