• Article:
    Silver-bearing Pb-Zn mineralization along eastern border of Moldanubian Pluton near Telč (2017/1–2)
    Houzar, S., Gregor, F., 2017: Stříbronosná Pb-Zn mineralizace při východním okraji moldanubického plutonu v okolí Telče. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 102, 1–2, 79–97 (with English summary)
    Silver-bearing Pb-Zn mineralization along eastern border of Moldanubian Pluton near Telč Multiple occurrences of base-metal mineralization in massive and brecciated quartz veins are present along the eastern border of Central Moldanubian Pluton (CMP). The veins cross-cut the contact of CMP…
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