Secondary mineralization on the mine waste of the Kukla coal mine in Oslavany (2006/1–2)Dokoupilová, P., Losos, Z., Vávra, V., 2006: Sekundární mineralizace na haldě dolu Kukla v Oslavanech. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 91, 1–2, 97–104 (with English summary)
Secondary mineralization on the mine waste of the Kukla coal mine in Oslavany
Secondary minerals on the waste tip of the Kukla coal mine in Oslavany are described. In the 2005, sulphur, gypsum and hexahydrite were collected and verified. New phases for the locality are secondary anhydrite,…
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The mineral assemblages at the abandoned burning spoil-heaps in the Rosice-Oslavany Coalfield, Czech Republic (2010/1)Dokoupilová, P., Houzar, S., Sejkora, J., 2010: Minerální asociace na prohořelých odvalech Rosicko-oslavanského revíru, Česká republika. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 95, 1, 121–140 (with English summary)
The mineral assemblages at the abandoned burning spoil-heaps in the Rosice-Oslavany Coalfield, Czech Republic
Mineral assemblages formed recently at the abandoned burning spoil-heaps of the Kukla coal mine in Oslavany and Ferdinand coal mine in Zastávka. They originated in three stages.…
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Mineralogy of quartz-hematite vein with amethyst from the locality “Na Dolečkách” in Bludov near Šumperk (2015/2)Losos, Z., Moravcová, I., Nepejchal, M., 2015: Mineralogie křemen-hematitové žíly s ametystem z lokality „Na Dolečkách“ v Bludově u Šumperka. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 100, 2, 29–38 (with English summary)
Mineralogy of quartz-hematite vein with amethyst from the locality “Na Dolečkách” in Bludov near Šumperk
Results of mineralogical study of quartz-hematite vein with local amethyst occurrence from the locality “Na Dolečkách” in Bludov near Šumperk are presented. The main vein…
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